(Image source from: humanresourcesonline.net)
The most joyous weekend has come to an end and the stressful Monday hits the calendar reminding you to start a new week and wait for another five long days to step into the weekend. Monday seems to be the day that most of the people dread about being stressed with Monday blues. It is one of those days that your warm comfy bed begs you to stay with it all day long and you force yourself to let it go.
However, your Mondays don’t have to be ruined just because you have a nine- to- five job and here are few things that can be done which helps you to beat out the Monday blues you’ve been facing.
Do something good:
Start your mornings by doing something that makes you feel good and happy about yourself which might be the simplest of things like appreciating your peer regarding the work or buying a coffee to your co-workers. By doing so, the happiness you get when someone shows thanks you in gratitude will lead you to your Monday being calm and pleasant. This helps you in boosting up which in turn makes your Mondays feel lighter and happier.
Plan something for the evening:
Plan your Monday evenings with the ones you love so as to let out the stress at work. This tends to be a reward that you offer by yourself for getting through the Monday smoothly. Your day might go happier when you surround yourself with the people you love.
Think about the positive outcomes of your job:
Start focusing on what you love rather than what you hate about your job. Concentrating on the positive outcomes of the job you do helps you in working and striving hard for it which in turn helps in making your day go easier.
Pack your favourite mid meal:
By packing or ordering you favourite food for the lunch, the first half of your day will be filled with eagerness and excitement and it helps in making your day complete faster as the time seems to be running when you are filled with excitement.
Listen to music:
Start your day with energy by listening to your favourite songs or dance numbers. Pep up yourself as you groove to the beats of your favourite songs and hum along the lyrics. This helps in making you feel energized for the rest of the day.
Prioritize your work:
Start prioritizing your bunch of work for the day as it makes your work easier which in turn makes you feel lighter. Do not stress yourself with overloading work on Mondays but instead, keep your work simple on the first day of the week.
Have a lazy Sunday:
Your body needs rest after having worked hard and has been stressed in the weekdays. Therefore, do not store up your household works on Sundays but enjoy taking rest by having a lazy Sunday as this might help you wake up fresh in the Monday morning which leads to a peaceful day.
Dress up:
Get dressed up your best by wearing your favourite outfit as this helps in building your confidence when around the office and helps in boosting up your that in turn leads to a happier mood and work with no stress
By Shrithika Kushangi