Mizoram Kid Accidentally Injures a Chick and Takes It to Hospital with All Money He Had
April 04, 2019 05:01
(Image source from: Indiatimes.com)
Children are the purest human beings living on the planet and this incident is ultimate proof.
This little boy from Mizoram by a mere chance ran over his neighbor chicken. The anguished boy took whatever money he had and rushed to a nearby hospital.
The post was shared with the caption, "As per Reports: This young boy from Sairang, Mizoram, accidentally ran over his neighbour's chicken with his cycle. He took the chicken, ran to the nearest hospital and with all the money he had, asked for help.
(I'm laughing and crying all at the same time)"
The picture as soon as shared by a Facebook user went viral with more than 50,000 shares. The guilt on his face is just breaking the hearts.
While we often witness violence against dogs in our neighborhood and barely even speak your mind against it, this little boy's regard for the safety of a little chicken is so flawless.
By Sowmya Sangam