While the entire world is locked away inside their homes trying to protect themselves and their communities, one of the best things that anybody can do is developing a habit. Studies suggest that it takes a minimum of 21 days for one to develop a habit. Given the kind of time that we have in our hands now, there are a number of habits that you can work on and not even worry about running out of time.
The options are endless but we are going to be sharing a handful that you can check out for yourself.
Becoming a morning person
It goes without saying that one of the worst habits to develop is to wake up early. Not only do people have a hard time catching up with their sleep, they also find it hard to switch off their alarm and get up. This quarantine period, you need to do just that. Instead of sleeping around in your room in the morning, wake up instead. Instead of snoozing the alarm, switch it off, take 2 mins to collect yourself and your thoughts and get up. Do this consecutively for a few days to see the results.
Ditch procrastination
The second is to break through a habit instead of forming one. Every single one of us have a habit of procrastination. Some tend to do that on a daily basis and some occassionally. It doesn’t matter what and when, you need to focus on fighting through the same now that you are inside your house. One of the best ways to beat procrastination is by timing your work and blocking your calendars. This can seem stringent at first but gets better gradually.
Start cooking
As weird as it sounds, majority of the people staying in the house are now repenting not learning how to cook. If you are one of them and have been having a hard time cooking your meals, now is the time to make this a habit. You don’t have to become a masterchef. Just start with the basics and then learn your way up from there. This is excessively amazing and helps you get a better understanding the importance of things in your life.
Focus on journaling
Not many realise the importance of it but making journaling a habit will impact your life for the better. Not only do you get to process your feelings in a healthy way, it also allows you to have a better perspective of things in your life. It lets you understand the state you are in and ensures that you have a better life ahead. Be it a daily journal or even a gratitude journal, it doesn’t matter what type, it matters how frequently you do it. Do this on a daily basis to make it a habit.
Ditch the sedentary lifestyle
If you are planning on spending your quarantine days as a couch potato, change that thought right away. This is exactly where you need to bring changes to your lifestyle and habit. Sedentary lifestyles not just impact your physical health but your mental health as well and one of the best ways to overcome and tide that over is by indulging in some physical activity every now and then. You don’t have to do much. Just a simple walk down the park in the evenings can make a lot of difference on your life.
Prioritising health
Even though this might not seem like a habit at this moment, you need to make it one. Now when the entire world is fighting a pandemic, every single one of us is worried about our well being. This is something you need to be careful about and not just because the world is fighting a pandemic but because it is your health. It is very important that you make it a habit to do the needful to keep your health in the best condition, be it in terms of your diet or even the kind of day to day activities that you do.
By Somapika Dutta