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The time when people got married at early 20s has become an old norm. It of course makes sense to get married after getting settled well enough. But, there are many good reasons that encourage early marriage, breaking the myth that tying knot early puts a full stop to your life. Here you go.
No pressure to have kids in near future
You will have all the time in the world. You will not be in a hurry to have kids in the near future. You can travel and have bliss without any undue pressures. Marrying in late twenties or early thirties will take all the liberty away.
Honeymoons are much more fun
It is very obvious that your honey moons are much more fun when you are young. It is like going out for a holiday trip with your girl friend again and again. You will be able to relish the most exciting years of your life, ‘twenties’. And you would definitely want your best half to be a part of it.
Can have best time with kids
You will be able to give your best time to your kids when you are young enough. You will be able to play cricket, teach how to ride a bicycle and lot more. You can be the young dad with whom kids want to play with. More importantly, your kids will ideally turn old enough to look after themselves by the time you grow old to retire.
More adaptable and adjusting
You are definitely more adaptable and more adjustable when you are young. Obviously more will be the chances of your marriage working when you are tolerant and understanding. In contrast, if you are well settled, it would be more difficult for you to get adjusted with someone else.
Get more matured
You become responsible at a considerable age. It reflects in both your family life and career. You no longer have short sighted goals. Marriage actually revives all bonds. You begin to attend family dinners without having to compromise late night parties. Thus, you are as close to your family as you are with your best friends.
However, there is no perfect time to get married. Marriage is a big decision and you can be without any clue even when you are in your forties as you are at your twenties. You will not reach a time when you feel you are ‘ready for marriage’. Waiting for it could only make you lose out on what you have in hand.