After a couple of cobras escaped the coop late last year, Florida wildlife officials had decided to take another look at how to prevent deadly reptiles from slithering loose with potentially fatal consequences.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has approved further action by staffs to work with a technical advisory group, industry experts and others to refine proposed changes to existing venomous reptile rules on Thursday
Changes might include a possible venomous reptile classification system. The Staffs will draft the rules for the commissioners to consider at a future meeting. FWC Chairman Brian Yablonski, stated in a release, “The Commission is pleased with the progress that the Captive Wildlife section has made so far, and we look forward to their recommendations at a meeting in the future. With freedom comes responsibility, and our primary concerns are public safety and the native habitat.”
Other proposed modifications in caging and handling requirements to increase safety and reduce risks to licensees and the public from reptile escapes.
Maj. Brian Smith, leader of FWC's Captive Wildlife section, suggested to create a classification system for venomous reptiles (native or non-native) and recruit a technical assistance group to provide guidance on categories (or tiers) within the non-native classification.
FWC planned to take up the issue in response to the two recent high-profile escapes. In September, Mike Kennedy, a famous animal dealer and star of the Discovery Channel reality show "Airplane Repo," has reported that his 8 foot long king cobra, named Elvis was missing from his Orlando home.
Elvis was later found nearly a half mile away, hissing under the dryer of a woman's garage, where animal-control officers captured the snake.
FWC requires Passive Integrated Transponder tags for all non-native species, to allow for identification if a reptile is captured in the wild and for closer monitoring of inventory. The venomous reptile industry has been working with FWC to develop training courses as an alternative to get 1,000 hours of experience, as it is mandatory according to the rules. Potential licensees could complete the course or get the experience hours.
By Prakriti Neogi