Young Rebelstar Prabhas is now a pan Indian actor after the release of his recent offering Baahubali franchise. The actor signed Saaho, a high budget action drama that is made on a budget of Rs 200 crores. There has been huge demand for the theatrical rights of Saaho and the film is getting a wide release in all the Indian languages. Sujeeth is the director and Shraddha Kapoor is the film's leading lady.
Prabhas revealed a brand new poster today and the actor looks super stylish in the pose. After a long gap, Prabhas thrilled his fans with a poster. Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy are composing the music and UV Creations are the producers. Saaho is a treat for action film lovers and the action chase shot across Abu Dhabi is the major highlight of the film. Bankrolled by UV Creations, Saaho releases on August 15th in all the Indian languages.