Finally the fairer sex of war torn Afghanistan realized that no way only boys should have all the fun, as free citizens of a nation, they should also have their right to enjoy the least little moments of joy of a life which is otherwise dull and oppressed. In a way they are now riding the change and indulging in it to the fullest.
Their realization came alive when more than 400 Afghan women and girls jumped from their seats, screaming and even did some headbanging too to rock and rap music at an all-female music festival in the capital of Kabul, which organizers say was the largest such event in the country's history.
It is worth mentioning that in Afghanistan the phrase “woman's right” seems to have little to no value at all. In a process to increase the quality of life Afghan women have won back hard-fought rights such as education and work since the fanatic Islamist Taliban was toppled 12 years ago, but there are fears these freedoms could shrink once NATO-led forces withdraw from Afghanistan by the end of next year.
"I'm worried that when the troops leave, we'll be stuck in our homes like we were in the past," said 16-year-old student Shabona Nabizada, shouting above the din of electric guitar.
"As women we're ridiculed and harassed. I feel free being able to come here and leave all that behind," she added with a timid smile.
Hope their worries may never come true. May be attending a music festival is no big deal but that is a silver lining there and that is a reason to cheer about...and seriously Why should only boys have all the fun?..Right..?