Search Results On behavioral changes

behavioral changes

  • Effect of diet on health, behavioral changes on taking fatty food, fatty food consumption triggers depression, Behavioral changes

    Fatty food consumption triggers depression 2015-03-28 08:52:54

    The researchers of Louisiana State University have revealed that consumption of high fat diet may harm your mental health, potentially leading to depression. It can also increase anxiety, impaired memory, and repetitive behavior. The human microbiome consists of trillions of...

    Keywords: fatty food causes depression, disorders of fatty food intake, Effect of diet on health, disorders of fatty food intake

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    Puberty to Menopause challenges, Puberty to Menopause challenges, understanding issues from puberty to menopause, Behavioral changes

    Understanding Issues from Puberty to Menopause 2024-05-18 06:35:05

    Women's health experiences and challenges evolve throughout life, from the transition period of adolescence to the transition to menopause. Managing changes in physical and mental health throughout life is an important step in empowering women and helping them take control...

    Keywords: Puberty to Menopause new breaking, Puberty to Menopause issues, Puberty to Menopause tips, Puberty to Menopause issues

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    rare sleep disorders, kleine-levin syndrome and prader-willi syndrome, woman with rare sleep order misses annual exam after sleeping with 3 weeks straight, Behavioral changes

    Woman With Rare Sleep Order Misses Annual Exam After Sleeping With 3 Weeks Straight 2019-03-26 09:45:26

    A 21-year-old university student from Leicester, United Kingdom revealed that she recently missed her annual exams after sleeping for 3 weeks straight. According to reports, Rhoda Rodriquez-Diaz is suffering from a rare disorder ‘Kleine Levin syndrome’ which causes a person...

    Keywords: kleine-levin syndrome and prader-willi syndrome, kleine levin syndrome how do they eat, kleine levin syndrome ppt, Rhoda Rodriquez-Diaz

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    borderline personality disorder, mood swings, 5 signs the teen needs for stress treatment, Behavioral changes

    5 Signs the Teen needs for stress treatment 2013-09-25 07:44:08

    Teens go through emotional ups and downs all the time. Hormones are changing, life can seem overwhelming, and without much life experience, a young adult can feel misguided. When parents are busy working, or a natural separation from family occurs,...

    Keywords: deficit hyperactivity disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd, mental health treatment, busy working

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