Search Results On delirium


  • brain, COVID-19, coronavirus is capable of affecting the brain study, Delirium

    Coronavirus is capable of affecting the brain: Study 2020-09-12 12:37:37

    Headache and confusion are being experienced by some of the COVID-19 patients which indicates that COVID-19 is invading the human brain.The research on coronavirus affecting the brain is still in preliminary stages but provides new lines of evidence to support...

    Keywords: headache, virus, brain, COVID-19

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    summer illness, Sunstroke can be fatal, sunstroke can be critical, Delirium

    Sunstroke can be critical! 2013-05-27 06:32:30

    Insufferable summer heat can cause debilitating illness. In heatstroke alone, there are two kinds of conditions - sunstroke and heat exhaustion. SUNSTROKE: Sunstroke occurs due to direct rays from the sun. The patient falls unconscious. The pupils are usually contracted....

    Keywords: convulsion, summer health, heatstroke, Sunstroke can cause dead

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