Search Results On lobbyists


  • Indian companies, Indian companies, u s lobby group restates indian it s h 1b worries, Lobbyists

    U.S. Lobby Group Restates Indian IT's H-1B Worries 2018-11-10 05:58:26

    Compete America, a lobby group supported by American technology firms including Google, Facebook, and Microsoft, has written to the United States government complaining over the high level of rejections in H-1B visa applications, in a move likely to provide a...

    Keywords: Compete, India, America, United States

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    Trump Administration, Car-mileage Rollback, trump administration proposes car mileage rollback, Lobbyists

    Trump Administration Proposes Car-mileage Rollback 2018-08-03 05:49:08

    The Trump administration on Thursday backing away government's years of endeavors to cut America's trips to the gas station and cut down climate-changing tailpipe emissions, and unhealthy, proposed rolling back car-mileage standards. If the proposed rule gets finalized, the auto...

    Keywords: Obama, Car-mileage Rollback, Car-mileage Rollback, Trump Administration

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    kamala harris family, kamala harris education, kamala harris leads in daily kos straw poll, Lobbyists

    Kamala Harris Leads in Daily Kos Straw Poll 2019-01-24 11:16:44

    Two days after officially announcing 2020 United States presidential bid, Indian American Senator Kamala Harris has emerged at the top of a Daily Kos straw poll released Wednesday. Harris, 54, has garnered 27 percent of the 28,000 votes, followed by...

    Keywords: kamala harris husband, kamala harris parents, kamala harris education, Kamala Harris

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    kamala harris sister, kamala harris mother, kamala harris raises over usd 23 million this year, Lobbyists

    Kamala Harris Raises over USD 23 Million This Year 2019-07-08 05:35:01

    The first Indian origin Senator and presidential hopeful Kamala Harris have raised USD more than 23 million since she announced her presidential bid in January. Among over 20 Democratic presidential candidates, Harris is running neck and neck with former Vice...

    Keywords: kamala harris sister, US vice president joe biden, kamala harris sister, kamala harris platform

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    Army chief, Vectra group, tatra truck case leads to cbi raids, Lobbyists

    Tatra Truck case leads to CBI raids 2012-03-31 05:40:10

    It was stated that CBI headquarters generally does not inform the local CBI offices when raids are conducted in crucial cases in which national security is at stake. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) conducted raids in Delhi and in...

    Keywords: lobbyists, national security, Army chief, local CBI officials

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