Search Results On motor vehicles department

motor vehicles department

  • Mumbai police, 350cc Royal Enfield Classic, revolutionizing policing in mumbai, Motor vehicles department

    Revolutionizing policing in Mumbai! 2013-05-08 08:12:19

    While being exciting and holding the curiosity, the Mumbai police might soon be taking it into focus on fancy motorbikes similar to the ones we see in Hollywood flicks for which Gabriel Zuzarte should be thanked for the efforts he...

    Keywords: 350cc Royal Enfield Classic, RTO, police force., 350cc Royal Enfield Classic

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    spike in international driving permit, spike in international driving permit, spike in demand for international driving permit students overseas visitors jump on trend, Motor vehicles department

    Spike in Demand for International Driving Permit; Students, Overseas Visitors Jump on Trend 2019-07-10 06:59:25

    India, in recent years, has witnessed a high rise in demand for International Driving Permits (IDPs), which allows the permit holder to drive a private vehicle in any country or jurisdiction which recognizes IDP.  The high demand for IDPs is...

    Keywords: International Driving Permit advantages, international driving permit delhi, International driving permit, Overseas Visitors

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