Search Results On new guidelines (Page 1 of 3)

new guidelines (Page 1 of 3)

  • Queen Elizabeth II last rites, Queen Elizabeth II successors, queen elizabeth ii s wealth will stay as a secret, New guidelines

    Queen Elizabeth II's Wealth Will Stay As A Secret 2022-09-12 06:02:09

    Queen Elizabeth II passed away on Saturday and she is named as the wealthiest woman in the world. Her wealth will remain as a secret and there are several rumors about her will and how her wealth will be distributed...

    Keywords: Queen Elizabeth II properties, Queen Elizabeth II coffin, Queen Elizabeth II assets, Queen Elizabeth II coffin

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    Vladimir Putin updates, Ukraine, positive signs in talks with ukraine says vladimir putin, New guidelines

    Positive Signs in Talks with Ukraine Says Vladimir Putin 2022-03-11 14:17:39

    Russia announced war on Ukraine and thousands of people lost their lives. The damage to Ukraine is in lakhs of crores and the Russian military is staged in the country. The talks are on between Russia and Ukraine. Russian President...

    Keywords: Vladimir Putin latest update, Vladimir Putin latest update, Vladimir Putin latest statement, Vladimir Putin

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    Singapore Covid-19 Cases new updates, Singapore Covid-19 Cases news, singapore issues advisory after new covid 19 cases rise, New guidelines

    Singapore issues advisory after new Covid-19 cases rise 2023-12-19 08:33:00

    In response to the increasing number of COVID-19 infections, the Singapore Health Ministry has released new guidelines for both citizens and travelers. The ministry reported a significant rise in cases, with approximately 56,043 cases recorded in the week of December...

    Keywords: Singapore Covid-19 Cases news, Singapore Covid-19 Cases latest, Singapore Covid-19 Cases latest news, Singapore Covid-19 Cases latest news

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    Income Tax Relief for Covid Treatments updates, Income Tax Relief for Covid Treatments rules, key details about income tax relief for covid treatments, New guidelines

    Key Details About Income Tax Relief For Covid Treatments 2021-06-26 06:05:38

    The coronavirus pandemic shattered mankind. Crores of people lost their loved ones and the second wave of coronavirus is calming down for now. To provide relief for the common man, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) extended the deadlines...

    Keywords: Income tax, Income Tax Relief for Covid Treatments latest, Income Tax Relief for Covid Treatments new guidelines, Income Tax Relief for Covid Treatments rules

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    Facemasks for Children news, Facemasks for Children restrictions, facemasks not recommended for children aged below 5 years, New guidelines

    Facemasks not recommended for children aged below 5 years 2021-06-10 05:54:39

    There are a lot of assumptions, predictions about the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Some of the health experts advised that wearing facemasks is not recommended for children aged below five years of age. But some of them are using facemasks for...

    Keywords: Facemasks for Children new updates, DGHS, Facemasks for Children new updates, Facemasks for Children age

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    Obesity Guidelines India latest updates, Obesity Guidelines India changed, india s obesity guidelines updated after 15 years, New guidelines

    India's obesity guidelines updated after 15 years 2025-01-16 08:05:42

    For decades, doctors have used body mass index (BMI) as a tool to measure obesity. BMI is defined as a measure of body fat percentage based on weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. People with...

    Keywords: Obesity Guidelines India changed, Obesity Guidelines India breaking, Obesity Guidelines India, Obesity Guidelines India breaking

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