Search Results On pepsico (Page 1 of 4)

pepsico (Page 1 of 4)

  • charulata patel in world cup match, cricket fan charulata patel, 87 year old indian cricket fan charulata patel to star in the new pepsi ad campaign, Pepsico

    87-Year-Old Indian Cricket Fan Charulata Patel to Star in the New Pepsi Ad Campaign 2019-07-09 05:24:33

    The 87-year-old Charulata Patel, who rose to fame after she was seen cheering for team India in a match against Bangladesh early this week, is now the face of a new Pepsi advertisement campaign. Besides, the show stealer has also...

    Keywords: charulata patel, Pepsi, world cup 2019, Pepsi

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    Laxman Narasimhan breaking, Laxman Narasimhan latest, starbucks ceo laxman narasimhan fired, Pepsico

    Starbucks CEO Laxman Narasimhan Fired 2024-08-14 10:01:55

    Starbucks announced Tuesday that Chipotle CEO Brian Nicol will become the coffee chain's new CEO. It has been over a year since current President Laxman Narasimhan took office. Starbucks said in a statement that Narasimhan is “immediately” resigning as chief...

    Keywords: Laxman Narasimhan new updates, Laxman Narasimhan new updates, Laxman Narasimhan resignation, Laxman Narasimhan new updates

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    Russia and Ukraine Conflict updates, Russia and Ukraine Conflict impact, russia s invasion of ukraine enters the 14th day, Pepsico

    Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Enters the 14th Day 2022-03-09 09:19:55

    Russia is on a mission and is keen to acquire Ukraine if the demands are not met. Ukraine is strict on its stand and is facing the battle though the situations are quite tough. The invasion of Russia on Ukraine...

    Keywords: Russia and Ukraine Conflict war, Russia and Ukraine Conflict news, Russia and Ukraine Conflict impact, Russia and Ukraine Conflict impact

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    corporate moms, corporate moms, mother s day 2019 five successful moms around the world to inspire you, Pepsico

    Mother’s Day 2019: Five Successful Moms Around the World to Inspire You 2019-05-11 11:51:45

    Mother’s Day is imminent and a day dedicated to mothers is celebrated across the world to remember and hail mothers who devote their whole lives for the welfare of the family. This year, Mother's Day will be celebrated on Sunday,...

    Keywords: mom entrepreneurs success stories, successful mompreneurs, successful mothers with careers, mother’s day

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    Indian Americans, indian ceos in europe, meet 6 indian origin ceo s ruling the american leading industries, Pepsico

    Meet 6 Indian Origin CEO’s Ruling the American Leading Industries 2019-06-03 08:39:08

    Until the 1990s, there were not many Indian Americans in the top levels of corporate America. However, today, Indian Americans are significantly holding top-level positions in United States companies across a spectrum of industries. The following is a list of...

    Keywords: top indian ceos in the world, all indian ceos world, indian ceos in usa, new indian ceo

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    potato farmers in gujarat, potato yield per acre, pepsico case potato farmers in gujarat seek compensation for harassment, Pepsico

    PepsiCo Case: Potato Farmers in Gujarat Seek Compensation for Harassment 2019-05-04 11:02:05

    The potato farmers, activists, and farmer leaders in Gujarat on Friday called on PepsiCo to pay a compensation to the cultivators for causing harassment by suing nine farmers in the Indian state for alleged intellectual property “rights infringement” on grounds...

    Keywords: pepsiCo case, how to plant potatoes, potato farmers in gujarat, potato farming process

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