Search Results On satchidananda panda

satchidananda panda

  • time-restricted feeding very late, time-restricted feeding very late, the time of eating determines the heart condition, Satchidananda panda

    The time of eating determines the heart condition 2015-03-14 12:17:19

    The timing of your eating habits also has an impact on the heart. A team of Indian-American researchers have found that not only the eating habits, but also the time of eating equally matters in order to protect the heart...

    Keywords: experiment conducted on flies, experiment conducted on flies, experiment conducted on flies, time of eating impacts on heart

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    Limiting Meal Intake, Meal Intake, study limiting meal intake in 10 hour gap may boost health, Satchidananda panda

    Study: Limiting Meal Intake in 10-Hour Gap May Boost Health 2018-09-03 06:37:42

    Following a humble lifestyle such as intake of all food within 10 hours can reinstate balance, stave off metabolic diseases and uphold health, suggests a study led by one of an Indian-origin.The study, led over mice, suggests that the health...

    Keywords: healthy living, Satchidananda Panda, Meal Intake, healthy living

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