Search Results On separate state (Page 1 of 4)

separate state (Page 1 of 4)

  • detainees in India, uscis address, u s immigration authorities force feed detainees from india cuba, Separate state

    U.S. Immigration Authorities Force-Feed Detainees from India, Cuba 2019-02-01 12:29:09

    About six immigrant detainees, including Indians, who were on hunger strike have been fed forcefully through nasal tubes by the United States immigration authorities The hunger strike was in protest to the conditions at a processing center in Texas. The...

    Keywords: us immigration and customs enforcement, immigration, department of homeland security, uscis login

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    essay on telangana formation day, 10 points about telangana, telangana formation day facts you should know about india s 29th state ahead of its birthday, Separate state

    Telangana Formation Day: Facts You Should Know About India’s 29th State Ahead of Its Birthday 2019-06-01 11:44:41

    Five years ago on June 2, a historic declaration was made. After years of heroic struggles, a declaration, which stated that Telangana is set to function as an independent 29th state of India. The announcement came as a triumph of...

    Keywords: about telangana formation day in telugu, essay on formation of telangana, telangana people, lesser known facts about telangana

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    hindu american foundation washington dc, hinduism in uk, hindu american kashmiri pandit groups urge u s to take action against jem, Separate state

    Hindu American, Kashmiri Pandit Groups Urge U.S. to Take Action Against JeM 2019-02-23 11:12:09

    The Hindu American advocacy group and an organization of Kashmiri Pandits have urged the United States to take action against the Pakistan-based terror outfit Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) and its leader Masood Azhar and to condemn the alleged role of China, Pakistan,...

    Keywords: american hindu converts, american hindu converts, JeM, hindu american foundation

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    manufacturing, manufacturing, harley davidson closes its sales and operations in india why, Separate state

    Harley Davidson Closes its Sales and Operations in India, Why? 2020-09-25 12:59:44

    The company is closing its manufacturing facility in Bawal, Haryana, and the sales office in Gurgaon. American bike manufacturer Harley Davidson on Thursday announced that it is closing its manufacturing and sales business in India. As a part of its...

    Keywords: company, sales, Harley Davidson, Harley Davidson

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    Ukraine war breaking updates, Russia war breaking news, ukraine says five powerful missiles have hit the western city of lviv, Separate state

    Ukraine Says Five Powerful Missiles have Hit the Western City of Lviv 2022-04-18 07:26:51

    Five powerful missiles of Russia have hit the western city of Ukraine named Lviv today. The city was called as the safest one of Ukraine and it was spared from Russia from the past 50 days after the war on...

    Keywords: Ukraine, Russia, Ukraine war, Ukraine war breaking news

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    Amazon breaking updates, Amazon, amazon fined rs 290 cr for tracking the activities of employees, Separate state

    Amazon fined Rs 290 Cr for tracking the activities of Employees 2024-01-24 11:23:42

    Amazon is in hot water with the French data protection watchdog, CNIL, and may have to pay a hefty fine of €32 million. The issue at hand is Amazon's invasive system of monitoring its employees' activities and performance. CNIL has...

    Keywords: Amazon employees tracking, Amazon, Amazon breaking, Amazon

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