Search Results On sikh gurdwara

sikh gurdwara

  • Another Gurdwara in the U.S. vandalized, Wisconsin Gurdwara attack, another gurdwara in the u s vandalized, Sikh gurdwara

    Another Gurdwara in the U.S. vandalized 2013-07-31 06:48:00

    In yet another incident of hate crime reported in the U.S., the complex walls of a Sikh Gurdwara in Riverside in California was spray painted  in bold with the word 'TERRORIST!' across the complex. The Sikh American Legal Defence and...

    Keywords: Gurdwara vandalized, Wisconsin Gurdwara attack, Another Gurdwara in the U.S. vandalized, SALDEF

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    April 2019 Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month, sikh population in usa 2017, delaware declares april 2019 as sikh awareness and appreciation month, Sikh gurdwara

    Delaware Declares April 2019 as ‘Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month’ 2019-03-20 04:12:54

    Delaware governor John Carney has signed an executive proclamation naming April 2019 as the "Delaware Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month" in recognition of the contribution of the Sikh community in the economic and social milieu of the state. Throughout April,...

    Keywords: sikhs in canada, richest sikh in america, sikh population in world 2017, Delaware

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