Death due to drug-resistant bacteria 2013-09-18 09:26:09
The US government perhaps undertaking it's first ever initiative in it's approximation regarding the number of death due to drug-resistant bacteria every year. Beyond 23,000 otherwise as many as those destroyed annually by flu. The Centers for Disease Control and...
Keywords: high threat of germs, history of medicine., Tufts University, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Read MoreHow to Use Turmeric to Lose Weight 2019-05-27 11:29:18
Turmeric, commonly known as haldi in India, is widely used to bring deep flavor to food. It is also considered a fruitful ingredient, which can fight inflammation and cancer. It has powerful antibacterial qualities and is used as an antiseptic...
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Read MoreBoston, One of the oldest cities in America 2013-08-27 07:40:29
Boston, one of the oldest cities in America, evokes a distinct European feel, which is evident in the city's culture. The city's role in the American Revolution has led to the nickname, the "Cradle of Liberty." Once considered ultra-conservative, Boston...
Keywords: Boston, Boston, One of the oldest cities in America, Boston City
Read MoreSugary Drinks may destroy livers? 2015-06-09 09:35:12
Most of the children and youth have been addicted to the sugary drinks alongside with the junk foods for taste, which can harm them if consumed in more quantities and frequently. Already there have been reports that the sugar sweetened...
Keywords: Computed tomography on liver, Healthy Living, Computed tomography on liver, Sugary Beverages and impacts
Read MoreFacebook User Needs $1,000 to Quit Platform for One Year: Researchers 2018-12-21 11:06:01
Facebook users will need $1,000 (nearly Rs 70,000) on average to deactivate their accounts for one year, according to researchers who performed real-life auctions to get the figure. Using a series of auctions, in which people were in reality paid...
Keywords: facebook users, how to deactivate facebook messenger, research on facebook, how to deactivate facebook account on mobile 2018
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