Search Results On violence against women (Page 1 of 3)

violence against women (Page 1 of 3)

  • Brazil, Brazil, over 200 murder suspects arrested in one day in brazil, Violence against women

    Over 200 Murder Suspects arrested in one Day in Brazil 2018-08-25 06:42:02

    Over 200 people have been arrested on murder charges in a single day across Brazil in a coordinated sweep that emphasized the combat against femicide, the government said.According to updated figures from the public security ministry, altogether, well over 1,000...

    Keywords: Brazil, femicide, femicide, femicide

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    Jennipha-Lauren Nielsen video, Jennipha-Lauren Nielsen rape incident, watch u s woman questions indian legal system for granting bail to her rapist, Violence against women

    Watch: U.S. Woman Questions Indian Legal System For Granting Bail to Her Rapist 2019-08-05 10:25:23

    An American national woman who once visited India expressed her wrath over the Indian legal system for giving bail to a man who was arrested after being accused of sexually molesting her in 2013. A human rights activist and gender...

    Keywords: Jennipha-Lauren Nielsen rape incident, Indian legal system, Jennipha-Lauren Nielsen, Jennipha-Lauren Nielsen rape incident

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    crime against womens in india statistics 2017, is india dangerous, endless cases of sexual assault abuses make india one of the unsafe countries for solo women travelers, Violence against women

    Endless Cases of Sexual Assault, Abuses Make India One of the Unsafe Countries for Solo Women Travelers 2019-07-18 05:04:06

    The rise of sexual assault and abuses against women in India is surely making each one’s blood run cold. According to the latest study - Women's Danger Index, undertaken by two bloggers, India ranks 9th in the list of most...

    Keywords: sexual assault cases in India, unsafe countries for solo women travelers in world, crime against womens in india statistics 2017, most unsafe country

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    women, partner, home is the most dangerous place for women un report, Violence against women

    Home is the Most Dangerous Place for Women: UN Report 2018-11-28 05:04:00

    The most dangerous place for women is their own home, says a new study from the United Nations, released on Sunday, which is also the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The United Nations Office on Drugs...

    Keywords: women at home, family, dangerous place for women, domestic violence at home

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    social media, harassment, iit roorkee students develop algorithm that detects social media posts on misogyny, Violence against women

    IIT Roorkee Students Develop Algorithm that Detects Social Media Posts on Misogyny 2020-09-21 12:44:59

    Alumnus Richi Nayak and her colleague Mohammad Abdul Bashar developed an algorithm that detects the intent behind the social media posts. Richi Nayak who is an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee, and is currently a computer...

    Keywords: social media, abuse, abuse, alumnus

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    Turkey European Treaty exit, Turkey European Treaty breaking news, turkey pulls out from european treaty on violence against women, Violence against women

    Turkey pulls out from European Treaty on violence against women 2021-03-20 09:46:12

    Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey pulled out the country the European Treaty which is designed to protect women. The Council of Europe Accord staged in Istanbul is formed to prosecute and prevent domestic violence against women and to promote...

    Keywords: Turkey European Treaty updates, Turkey European Treaty violence against women, Turkey European Treaty violence against women, Turkey European Treaty exit

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