During the Tuesday night's school board meeting, Duval County school leaders shared the work they have done and also decided to work ahead with the students to combat recent problems of bringing guns to local schools.
Dozens of parents attended to learn about the plan and also to ensure about student’s safety and to hear from Superintendent Dr. Nikolai Vitti.
According to district officials, so far in this school year, there have been eight guns and one starter pistol found at Duval County schools.
To prevent the number from rising, board members met with the eight groups of students at eight schools where firearms were found to make sure that the students know the district has a zero-tolerance policy on weapons of any kind on campus and also to lay out actions that will be taking placing.
Vitti said that, "I think it's important not to shy away from the conversation, but to talk transparently about where we are, where we were and where we're going in order to address this important issue. Forty-two percent of teenagers report that it is easy to find a gun."
While meeting with the school board, students voiced that they wanted to see more police officers during the school hours, hear from the community leaders before an incident happens and have more meaningful after-school programs.
Vitti agreed, saying that the school board will be increasing random searches at the schools with higher incidents and expanding city and outside resources at schools where there is a lack of student activities.
The school district said it is also working on a new tip line so students can call in any reports of guns in the schools.
But ultimately, Vitti said that, the best metal detectors are the students and their parents.
Vitti also addressed why do the students bring guns to school. He said some students do it for "show and tell," as an attempt to look tough, because they are feeling unsafe coming to and from school or because they are involved in illegal activity.
Before the meeting began, the school board member Lori Hershey told to News4Jax that she hopes they can find a way to make Jacksonville schools safer.
The board member Scott Shine agreed, saying it is not just a school district issue, but a Jacksonville issue.
By Mrudula.