Search Results On alyssa


  • lyrics, Aatma soundtrack, aatma soundtrack lacking in spirit, Alyssa

    'Aatma' soundtrack lacking in spirit! 2013-03-21 04:58:51

    The music album of director Suparn Verma's psychological thriller 'Aatma' has six tracks. Going by the genre of the movie, the songs fit the mood of the movie even though the compositions are above average and lyrics are apt, the...

    Keywords: melody, lyrics, Aatma, horror

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    Gianna, California, kobe bryant 41 dies in helicopter crash in calabasas, Alyssa

    Kobe Bryant,41, Dies in Helicopter Crash in Calabasas 2020-01-27 06:33:47

    NBA Basketball icon Kobe Bryant, 41, who has spent twenty years with the Lakers has been reported killed on Sunday morning. The legendary basketball ball star is said to be travelling in the helicopter that has crashed in the midst...

    Keywords: Calabasas, Calabasas, crash, California

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    health, almond effect, a handful of almonds daily may boost health, Alyssa

    A handful of almonds daily may boost health 2016-02-26 06:45:52

    Eating a handful of almonds every day,  right from the childhood days can improve diet quality of a person, which may have numerous health benefits later in life, a recent study revealed. A study was conducted on 28 parent-child pairs...

    Keywords: Healthy Eating Index, Florida University, Florida University, person's diet quality

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    Indian team, FIH qualifiers, indian women s hockey team qualify for the tokyo olympics, Alyssa

    Indian Women's Hockey Team Qualify For The Tokyo Olympics 2019-11-04 05:58:51

    Following the first FIH qualifier round, India was in the lead against US Women’s hockey team with the score of 5-1. While everyone around thought it would be easier for the Indian team to seal their position in the Tokyo...

    Keywords: Indian team, Tokyo Olympics, Tokyo Olympics, Tokyo Olympics

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