Search Results On assault weapon

assault weapon

  • kamala harris, US presidential candidates, indian origin presidential candidate kamala harris owns gun for protection, Assault weapon

    Indian Origin Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris Owns Gun for Protection 2019-04-13 06:01:36

    Indian origin Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has revealed she owns a gun and called it a "false choice" that the only two gun control options are complete, unrestricted access or a desire to seize everyone's guns.After a campaign event...

    Keywords: kamala harris owns gun for protection, Indian origin president candidates, US presidential candidates, kamala harris owns gun

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    Shooting in texas school, 10 killed and 10 Hurt in Texas School Shooting, 10 killed and 10 hurt in texas school shooting, Assault weapon

    10 Killed and 10 Hurt in Texas School Shooting 2018-05-19 06:04:06

    The United States has infested by a racking loop of mass school shootings, watched the latest horror play out in this small Southeast Texas town on Friday morning, as a young man armed with a shotgun and a .38 revolver...

    Keywords: 10 killed and 10 Hurt in Texas School Shooting, texas school shooting, texas school shooting, Shooting in texas school

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    Deadliest Attacks in USA after 9/11, Mass Shooting in Orlando Pulse Club, orlando mass shooting the deadliest attack in usa, Assault weapon

    Orlando Mass Shooting: The deadliest attack in USA 2016-06-13 06:05:25

    Another attack in USA took place at Pulse night club on Saturday Night. 50 people were gunned down and 53 more  were injured, in the country’s worst mass shooting attack. High spirited celebration was going on in the Pulse Night...

    Keywords: Orlando Shooting, Deadliest Attacks in USA after 9/11, Mass Shooting in Orlando Pulse Club, Orlando Shooting

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    Pulse victim family seeks weapon bans, Weapon ban claimed by Pulse victim families, pulse families seeks new assault weapons ban, Assault weapon

    Pulse families seeks new assault weapons ban 2016-09-23 13:01:31

    Family members of some of the Pulse attack victims and survivors  have been channeling their grief into legislative action against firearms. Amanda Alvear snapchatted her last moments at Pulse night club. Mother Mayra Alvear  said, “She used to love going...

    Keywords: Pulse victim family seeks weapon bans, Pulse victim family seeks weapon bans, Weapon ban claimed by Pulse victim families, Pulse victim family seeks weapon bans

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