It's a floating wedding for Brangelina 2013-07-17 09:52:26
After all the hoo-ha and long wait, it finally is a floating wedding for Brangelina. A little birdie informs us that the couple have been considering getting hitched aboard the Hebridean Princess, a ship that charters Scotland waters and is...
Keywords: It's a floating wedding for Brangelina, Maddox, Hebridean ship, French Chateau
Read MoreBrangelina to have four destination weddings 2013-12-11 05:26:33
Are those wedding bells we hear? After six kids, one engagement and a few revolutionary laws legalizing all kinds of marriages in the country, Hollywood's power couple Angelina Jolie andBrad Pitt have finally decided to walk down the aisle. And...
Keywords: brad angelina wedding, brad angelina wedding, Brangelina to have four destination weddings., angelina jolie
Read MoreBrangelina's wine named 'Best Rose in the world' 2013-11-21 09:12:02
Hollywood's ultimate power couple, Oscar winners, humanitarians and parents of six adorable kids, 'Brangelina' added another award to their growing mantel - only this time, the honor is for wine. Cheers to that! The dynamic duo's 1,200-acre vineyard - The...
Keywords: Brangelina's wine named 'Best Rosé in the world', Best Rosé in the world, Brangelina's wine named 'Best Rosé in the world', Brangelina's wine named 'Best Rosé in the world'
Read MoreAngelina Jolie, Brad Pitt Reach Temporary Child Custody Agreement 2018-12-01 11:31:35
Hollywood star Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have reached a temporary child custody agreement two years after they announced their separation. The pair has six children - three biological and three adopted - aged between 10 and 17. "It is...
Keywords: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt child custody, agreement, child custody, Brad Pitt children
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