This Soon-to-Be Mother Prepared 152 Meals, 228 Snacks to Save Time After Baby’s Birth 2019-03-22 13:39:54
Beyond question, motherhood is the most beautiful experience with desperate straits at intervals. And the instant baby is born, the challenges apparently increase.To keep that frame of mind right, several moms-to-be these days have to dig up amazing hacks. Jessica...
Keywords: pregnancy dinner recipes, dinner ideas for pregnancy nausea, weekly pregnancy meal plan, pregnancy dinner recipes
Read MoreDelicious Indian Curries that Every Foodie Must Try 2019-06-28 06:48:17
Indian cuisine patently reminds of the flaming seasoned curries savored far and wide. Even in overseas’ eateries, one can get served with Indian curries made using melange of spices and continents. Some spices that are traditionally used in preparing...
Keywords: indian curries list, curries, Indian curries, south indian curry recipes for rice
Read MoreStuck in the lockdown, relish these 15 desi comfort foods for sheer nostalgia 2020-05-05 07:24:21
Being stuck inside home is not something anyone of us anticipated. With so many things going on, the last thing we need is to feel stressed about our next meal. Sometimes, little is more and there are a few desi...
Keywords: nostlagia, indian foods, nostlagia, desi comfort foods
Read MoreButter Chicken 2011-07-18 13:26:39
1/4 pint/150ml natural yogurt2 ounces/50g ground almonds1 1/2 tsp chili powder1/4 tsp crushed bay leaves1/4 tsp ground cloves1/4 tsp ground cinnamon1 tsp garam masala4 green cardamom pods1 tsp ginger pulp1 tsp garlic pulp14 ounce/400g can tomatoes1 1/4 tsp salt2 pounds/1kg...
Keywords: Butter Chicken, Butter Chicken, Butter Chicken, Butter Chicken
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