Search Results On cyber security (Page 1 of 3)

cyber security (Page 1 of 3)

  • hackers on WhatsApp, WhatsApp Voicemail, whatsapp voicemail scam to give hackers access to users account, Cyber security

    WhatsApp Voicemail Scam to Give Hackers Access to Users Account 2018-10-09 05:12:57

    WhatsApp has over again generated dismay among people worldwide after a new hack on messaging platform could give cybercriminals access to the users account. According to a Naked Security, a blog run by British security company Sophos, cybercriminals attempt to...

    Keywords: cyber security, WhatsApp, hackers on WhatsApp, WhatsApp hacking

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    Gujarat Global Summit highlights, Narendra Modi at Gujarat Global Summit, narendra modi inaugurates vibrant gujarat global summit in gandhinagar, Cyber security

    Narendra Modi inaugurates Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit in Gandhinagar 2024-01-10 12:12:42

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 10th Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit in Gandhinagar on Wednesday, with the presence of several international leaders. The event, lasting three days, has attracted the participation of 34 partner countries and delegates from over 130...

    Keywords: Gujarat Global Summit news, Narendra Modi, Gujarat Global Summit dates, Gujarat Global Summit highlights

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    Twitter, Twitter, twitter accounts of obama bezos gates biden musk and others hacked in a major breach, Cyber security

    Twitter Accounts of Obama, Bezos, Gates, Biden, Musk and others Hacked in a Major Breach 2020-07-16 13:59:48

    In a major breach, Twitter accounts of many prominent people including Kardashian, Obama, Bezos and Elon Musk were hacked and bogus tweets were tweeted from their accounts.The micro-blogging social media website Twitter on July 15 witnessed a major breach and...

    Keywords: breach, breach, breach, hackers

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    India, Modi, highlights of pm modi speech during independence day celebrations 2020, Cyber security

    Highlights of PM Modi speech during Independence day celebrations 2020 2020-08-17 11:28:31

    From the development of coronavirus to India’s stand on China, take a look at the key points Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made at the Red Fort amid 74th Independence day celebrations. In PM Modi’s seventh consecutive Independence day speech...

    Keywords: PM, Modi, India, country

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    WhatsApp features, phone hack, new scam whatsapp pink, Cyber security

    New Scam: WhatsApp Pink 2023-08-28 06:36:24

    WhatsApp Pink, a new scam is spreading around. Government and police departments of several states have already issued warnings including Mumbai, Kerala, Karnataka and other states in India against the new WhatsApp Pink Scam, which has already duped several people....

    Keywords: update WhatsApp, Whatsapp news, Whatsapp scam, WhatsApp pink

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    Australia Visa Fees news, Australia Visa Fees for Indians, australia doubles student visa fees to curb migration, Cyber security

    Australia doubles student visa fees to curb Migration 2024-07-01 10:51:37

    The Australian government has introduced a significant increase in the fees for international students, more than doubling the cost from AUD 710 ($473) to AUD 1,600 ($1,068). This new measure, implemented by the Anthony Albanese government, effective July 1, aims...

    Keywords: Australia Visa Fees India, Australia Visa Fees 2024, Australia Visa Fees latest breaking, Australia Visa Fees latest breaking

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