Search Results On digital india (Page 1 of 2)

digital india (Page 1 of 2)

  • Narendra Modi, Galaxy devices, use your mobile phone on swiping machines instead of debit credit cards, Digital india

    Use your mobile phone on swiping machines instead of Debit/Credit Cards 2017-03-24 13:20:33

    Forgetting your wallets to restaurants, movies or shopping will not be a problem anymore. Samsung along with service providers MasterCard has extended their support to Narendra Modi’s Digital India drive, by launching a digital payment app. All the transactions can...

    Keywords: Narendra Modi, Galaxy devices, Narendra Modi, MasterCard

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    Indian diaspora, diaspora, indian community changed india s perception across the world swaraj, Digital india

    Indian Community Changed India’s Perception Across the World: Swaraj 2019-01-21 10:06:17

    External Affairs Minister of India Sushma Swaraj on Monday lauding the contribution of Indian community worldwide said the community dramatically changed India's perception across the world while ensuring that the country's global stature keeps on rising.She noted that while the...

    Keywords: indian community in london, indian community near me, external affairs, indian community in swansea

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    modi, narendra modi government, indians in america overwhelmingly prefer modi government to be in power for next 5 years study, Digital india

    Indians in America Overwhelmingly Prefer Modi Government to Be in Power for Next 5 Years: Study 2019-05-23 05:04:18

    Ahead of Lok Sabha election results, the Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies (FIIDS), the United States-based public and international policy platform has conducted a USA-wide exit poll of the Indian American community and found that Non-Resident Indians (NRIs)...

    Keywords: Indians in American, modi government schemes, narendra modi, narendra modi government

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    Chandrababu Naidu new updates, Chandrababu Naidu, isb producing wealth creators chandrababu naidu, Digital india

    ISB Producing Wealth Creators: Chandrababu Naidu 2022-12-17 06:38:48

    Andhra Pradesh ex-Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu attended The Indian School of Business (ISB) as special guest on the occasion of the institution completing 20 years. He called up the students as job providers rather than job seekers through start-ups....

    Keywords: ISB celebrations, ISB 20 years anniversary, Chandrababu Naidu speech, Chandrababu Naidu new updates

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    modi addresses indian community seoul, south korea, prime minister narendra modi addresses indian community in south korea, Digital india

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi Addresses Indian Community in South Korea 2019-02-22 04:28:05

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressed the Indian community in Korea.  He thanked the Indian community in Seoul for the warm welcome they had accorded him.   He said ties between India and Korea are not just on the basis of business...

    Keywords: modi, modi indian community, south korea, narendra modi seoul

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    Narendra Modi new breaking, Narendra Modi as PM, narendra modi completes 23 years in indian politics, Digital india

    Narendra Modi completes 23 years in Indian Politics 2024-10-07 09:44:54

    Narendra Modi has served in public office for 23 years, during which he has implemented a series of ambitious programs and initiatives that are widely recognized as transformative, first in Gujarat and then across India. His tenure has been marked...

    Keywords: Narendra Modi, Narendra Modi breaking, Narendra Modi breaking, Narendra Modi breaking

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