Search Results On legislatures (Page 1 of 2)

legislatures (Page 1 of 2)

  • Sri Preston Kulkarni, Indian American Community, mid term elections what indian american community has at stake, Legislatures

    Mid-term Elections: What Indian-American Community has at Stake 2018-10-30 09:21:22

    "This is the most important election of our times!" Every election year, we perceive these words, which is to some level, it is understandable. The high-stakes nature our elections naturally produces intensified emotions and frayed nerves, impassioned hopes of victory...

    Keywords: Sri Preston Kulkarni, mid term elections, America, Ram Villivalam

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    business news, states, cabinet approved draft bill for gst, Legislatures

    Cabinet approved draft bill for GST 2014-12-18 09:55:00

    Union cabinet yesterday evening cleared decks for Constitution amendment bill for Goods and Services Tax (GST). GST introduction will be a major taxation reform initiative. GST will avoid the overlapping of State taxes and duties. Investors and Corporate houses advocating...

    Keywords: legislatures, GST, constitution, finance

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    pranab releases book, pranab on naidu, former president pranab mukherjee releases venkaiah naidu s book, Legislatures

    Former President Pranab Mukherjee Releases Venkaiah Naidu’s Book 2019-02-16 05:11:51

    Former President Pranab Mukherjee releases book containing selected speeches of Vice President M.Venkaiah Naidu in New Delhi. The book is a compilation of 92 speeches of M.Venkaiah Naidu. Speaking on the occasion, Pranab Mukherjee said the speeches reflect the wide...

    Keywords: pranab on naidu, naidu speeches, pranab on naidu, naidu on terror attack

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    midterm elections in United States, US, midterm elections voting begins in eastern u s states, Legislatures

    Midterm Elections: Voting Begins in Eastern U.S. States 2018-11-06 12:18:58

    Polls opened Tuesday across eastern states of the United States as Americans began casting ballots in the critical midterm elections that commemorate the first major voter test of Donald Trump's presidency, with control of Congress in the balance.States including Maine,...

    Keywords: midterm elections in United States, seat, Trump, eastern states of US

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    Donald Trump updates, Donald Trump as President, donald trump hints at constitution breaking, Legislatures

    Donald Trump Hints At Constitution-Breaking 2024-11-14 10:13:14

    Donald Trump, recently elected to a second term as US president, has told Republicans in the House of Representatives that he may be running for an illegitimate third term. President-elect Trump, prone to making controversial statements, said: I don't think...

    Keywords: Donald Trump as President, Donald Trump breaking, Donald Trump news, Donald Trump updates

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    Parliament, GST, gst bill introduced in parl, Legislatures

    GST bill introduced in Parl 2014-12-19 13:28:17

    Finance Minister Arun Jaitly introduced Goods and Services Tax bill in Parliament. GST bill aimed at minimizing the financial taxation barriers to the business companies and industries. Government is keen to pass this reforms initiative bill. States will get considerable...

    Keywords: Goods and Services Tax bill, Goods and Services Tax bill, GST, GST

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