Trump Calls Journalists 'Very Unpatriotic' 2018-07-30 07:20:43
The United States President Donald Trump has called American journalists "unpatriotic", accusing them of putting lives at risk through their reporting."When the media-driven insane by their Trump Derangement Syndrome - reveals internal deliberations of our government, it truly puts the...
Keywords: Trump, Journalists, American journalists, Very Unpatriotic
Read MoreHigh Court lifts ban on media coverage of Delhi gang-rape trial... 2013-03-22 07:53:15
On Friday, The Delhi High Court allowed the media to cover the day-to-day trial of the Dec 16 gang rape case in the Saket fast-track court in New Delhi. Moreover, Justice Rajiv Shakdher, allowing the plea of journalists seeking open...
Keywords: Justice Shakdher, court, Delhi gang-rape case, gang-rape trial
Read MoreFormer USA Gymnastics Doctor Sentenced 40-175 Years For Sexual Assaults 2018-01-29 07:46:10
After 7 days of listening from over 160 girls, women and parents the court sentences disgraced former USA gymnastics Physician Larry Nassar for upto 175 years in Michigan State Prison. Victims wept in the courtroom and accounted the abuses they...
Keywords: USA gymnastics Doctor, USA gymnastics Doctor, USA gymnastics Doctor, Larry Nassar
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