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  • newyork city in usa, newyork usa, the world s most vibrant and sprawling metropolis is newyork, Playwright

    The world's most vibrant and sprawling metropolis is NewYork 2013-08-27 09:55:00

    New York City, arguably the world's most vibrant and sprawling metropolis, occupies five boroughs, each with its own distinct identity. After all, before the historic 1898 consolidation, Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens and Staten Island were each independent municipalities. Manhattan...

    Keywords: Newyork, Newyork, newyork usa, world's most vibrant and sprawling metropolis.

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    Crystal Harris, Play Boy magazine, hef has slept with how many women, Playwright

    Hef has slept with how many women? 2013-03-29 08:51:39

    Play Boy chief Hugh Hefner, an American magazine publisher, as well as the founder and chief creative officer of Playboy Enterprises said he slept with more than 1000 women in his colorful life. In an interview to Esquire, he said...

    Keywords: American men's magazine, American, Crystal Harris, American men's magazine

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    London USA, London, the various and diverse villages of london, Playwright

    The various and diverse 'villages' of London 2013-08-27 09:23:26

    The various and diverse "villages" of London reflect the full spectrum of the city's residents. From exclusive, elite establishments to downright dingy dives, tourist-drenched terrain to homegrown habitations, there's something for every visitor. As Dr. Johnson said back in the...

    Keywords: London USA, London USA, The various and diverse 'villages' of London, London City in USA.

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    London, London City in USA., the various and diverse villages of london, Playwright

    The various and diverse 'villages' of London 2013-10-01 05:44:25

    The various and diverse "villages" of London reflect the full spectrum of the city's residents. From exclusive, elite establishments to downright dingy dives, tourist-drenched terrain to homegrown habitations, there's something for every visitor. As Dr. Johnson said back in the...

    Keywords: London, London USA, London USA, London

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