Search Results On telemedicine


  • I-Vaccinate app for coronavirus vaccine, Telangana, you can now take up vaccination at home through i vaccinate app, Telemedicine

    You can now take up vaccination at home through 'I-Vaccinate' app 2021-06-07 05:16:54

    The vaccination drive in the country is going on a slow note. The Centre is trying its best to accommodate the available doses for the states. The United Federation of Resident Welfare Associations (U-FERWAS) launched an application that can help...

    Keywords: I-Vaccinate app coronavirus vaccine, RWAs, I-Vaccinate app coronavirus vaccine, RWAs

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    Prime Minister, Rahul Gandhi, india makes downloading covid app mandatory unlike other countries, Telemedicine

    India Makes Downloading COVID App Mandatory Unlike Other Countries 2020-05-08 12:09:27

    Arogya Setu is an effective app used to track coronavirus. Two months back when it was created, no one used it. Now things have drastically changed and there are almost 100 million users on this app.The Prime Minister requested the...

    Keywords: Mandatory App, Prime Minister, Prime Minister, Government companies

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    businesses, lifestyle, pm narendra modi shares 5 ideas on covid 19 s impact on redefining businesses, Telemedicine

    PM Narendra Modi shares 5 ideas on covid-19’s impact on redefining businesses 2020-04-20 07:47:31

    If you have a LinkedIn account, it is likely that you have already got a notification about the post that PM Narendra Modi made. The post highlighted the impacts on the work and lifestyle of people amidst the Covid-19 outbreak....

    Keywords: lifestyle, coronavirus, covid-19, narendra modi

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    telemedicine, lockdown, online medical consultation witnesses spikes amidst covid 19 lockdown in india, Telemedicine

    Online medical consultation witnesses spikes amidst Covid-19 lockdown in India 2020-05-12 12:24:03

    With the impacts of the lockdown imposed in India, it is not just economy that has witnessed a hit. People suffering from chronic medical conditions have had to face consistent issues with their regular check-ups and their medications.In one such...

    Keywords: hospital, covid-19, medical consultancies, covid-19

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