Search Results On terrorist identities datamart environment
terrorist identities datamart environment
Mighty America has 875,000 suspected terrorists... 2013-05-03 05:57:29
For most Americans, the scar inflicted by the horrific Boston Bombing is still raw. As the city tries hard to forget this unfortunate event and trying to take all possible measures against this kind of attack happening again, it is...
Keywords: boston bombing, terrorism in us soil, terrorism in us soil, Tamerlan Tsarnaev
Read MoreBoston bombings: Suspect was on US intelligence radar 2013-04-25 09:11:45
As the investigation proceeds, new findings have come into the picture about the infamous Boston bombings. The security agencies have found that US authorities had earlier put suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev in two different watch lists after Russian FSB reported their...
Keywords: terrorist identities datamart environment, Russian intelligence, chechan links to boston bombings, department of homeland security
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